b. 1981, South Africa
Lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa
I am a South African-born visual artist who works primarily in print media and video. I completed my postgraduate diploma in Fine Art in 2019 and a Master of Fine Art degree in 2022 at the University of Cape Town Michaelis School of Fine Art. The primary focus of my work is memory in its varied forms – individual, collective, familial, physiological and philosophical. My work focuses on how a conceptual engagement with printmaking allows print to be used as a metaphorical device to express the processes and experiences of memory.
Academic record:
2022    Master of Fine Art(awarded with distinction),
University of Cape Town Michaelis School of Fine Art
2019    Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art(awarded with distinction),
University of Cape Town Michaelis School of Fine Art
2002    National Diploma in Graphic Design,
Cape Peninsula University of Technology (formerly Cape Technikon)
Academic appointments:
2023    Doctoral Research Fellow, Oslo National Academy of the Arts (Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo)
2023    Part-time lecturer, University of Cape Town Michaelis School of Fine Art
2021 - 2022    Teaching assistant, University of Cape Town Michaelis School of Fine Art
Group exhibitions:
2023   Perspektiv på trykk, Norske Grafikere, Oslo, Norway
2023    Pandemic | Praxis | Pedagogy, Michaelis Galleries, Cape Town, South Africa
2022    Hybrids, IMPACT 12, University of West England, Bristol, UK
2022    Split Practices, IMPACT 12, University of West England, Bristol, UK
2022    Narrative, RK Contemporary, Riebeek Kasteel, South Africa
2022    Open Plot, Reservoir x THK Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa
2021    Making and Interpreting Art in 2021, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
2021    Apartment, The Fourth Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa
2020    The Grand, Rust-en-Vrede Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa
2019    Open Haus, Smokescreen, Cape Town, South Africa
2019    An Exhibition of Contemporary Printmaking, Youngblood Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa
2019    Self, Glen Carlou Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa
2019    Paper Works, pop-up exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa
2018    10x10, Rosendal Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa
Conference presentations:
2022    IMPACT 12 Conference, Touching and Touched, University of West England, Bristol, UK
2021    Making and Interpreting Art in 2021, Artist Workshop, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
2021    Remote Contact Virtual Printmaking Symposium, Sending Signals: Language in Print and Print as Language, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN, USA
Other relevant experience:
2022    Curator, Centre for Curating the Archive / Katrine Harries Print Cabinet, University of Cape Town